SPOILER ALERT : Only for witches and wizards

"After all this time? Always."

 And this will be my reaction to every time  someone asks me about the Harry Potter world. And this time I got to be a part of this fantasy, of this world as Luna Lovegood. What else a crazy potterhead would want?

So let's start at the very beginning of all this. My school - The Indian School organized MUN (Model United Nations) which had 7 committees - 3 conventional committees (UNESCO, UNGA and UNHRC) and 4 unconventional committees which weren't really related to the United nations  as such - 
 AIPPM - All India Political Parties Meet
BCCI - Board of Cricket Council of India
RAW - Research and analysis Wing
OOTP - Order Of The Phoenix
and every committee had an agenda.

I chose OOTP and got the character of Luna Lovegood. Though I would not have even given my name in the first place if it would not have been for my history teacher and my head girl. Oh boy! What a sin i would have done if I would not have taken part in this!

I realized there is much more than just the 7 books and 8 movies to the Harry Potter world. It's not only about your imagination, but how you can bring that imagination into existence and make it a reality and also make everyone else believe it to be reality too. It's about really living through the characters and not just thinking about them.It's about voicing your thoughts through the character's mouth.

So these 3 days (7th - 9th July 2015) were some of the best days that I had. We were members of THE Order of the Phoenix. We were witches and wizards living in the wizarding world away from this muggle world. We had just come out victorious in war with the Dark Lord. The wizarding world was in shambles, rogue death eaters were on loose and the wizarding economy had crashed tremendously.

We were to give suggestions and reforms to re-establish the wizarding world and capture these rogue death eaters. By the end of three days we actually managed to capture 3 death eaters with help from, guess who? The Malfoys.

It was so much fun to go out there and respond to only Luna and not Surabhi. Luna actually made friends with rest of the order members and invitees like - Draco Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy. Oh and I was 'secretly' working with Rita Skeeter.

There were some excellent speakers amongst us. Minerva Mcgonagall spoke beautifully and with confidence only a professor can have, though she was represented by ninth grade student. No surprise there that she won the best delegate award. Then there were characters like Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy who portrayed their characters so well that it became difficult to say whether the movie characters were better or our committee characters. Also Draco was very polite.

It was sad to have those three days come to an end as quickly as they had begun. But now this magical experience lives with me as one of the most exciting and thrilling memory. If I were to live it again I would. I just wish this year would pass soon and once again I get to board the Hogwarts express.

“Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”  


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