Happy "Rakshabhandhan"

Rakshabhandhan : A festival to celebrate the joy and the bond between a brother and a sister. A festival to mark the special equation shared by a brother with his sister. A festival where a brother promises to 'protect' his sister from any evils that may harm her.

At least this is what it is suppose to be. Not for me. To me it's not about asking my brother to protect me. I am pretty much capable of doing it myself. No. It's more about mutual respect, understanding and love which to be honest I don't expect from MY brother. I don't even expect him to come forward and 'protect' me as is the role of a brother mentioned from time immemorial in our Hindu traditions. To be honest i did not even celebrate this festival this year.

But what really is protection? Is it just protection from physical harms? No. It doesn't happen everyday that four five goons are awaiting you at the bus stop to probably snatch your chain or tease you and you give a call to your brother and he comes riding on his bike and saves you from those goons. No this never happens. The brother never actually makes it on time and this is just a very filmy example. Then what is protection? From what do we actually need protection from?

Protection does not only involve protection from physical factors. It involves protection from emotional, mental and psychological factors. And it's not only about sisters or girls. Anyone can become weak at one point of time. Anyone can loose their patience and go into depression. That's when you really need protection. Protection from the internal demons that will eat you and destroy you. Protection from loneliness and isolation. Protection from depression.

Protection also means support. The kind of support one needs when the whole world is against the person except the ones who love you. Those people are actually also protecting you from the odds of the world. Those people are providing their protection by acting as a shield against the world.

Protection also means encouraging one when one is at his or her lowest. Protection means pulling the person out of his black hole when the person feels there is no light left in his or her life. Protection means giving the person a new hope of light to the person who has been let down by everyone.

And who provides this kind of protection? Is it only brothers? No. "Brothers" are just part of a large component of people. The people who form this component are mainly your parents. Then comes friends. Not all friends provide protection. Some friends lead to destruction. We'll have to be really careful in that matter. The last but not the least, are teachers. Teachers are our parents whilst at schools and they provide protection to us from many diabolical happening at school. Sometimes they are able to understand what happens with us at schools in a better fashion than parents.

Now if these people are really the ones who protect us at all times then shouldn't we tie rakhis to all of them? I mean the main purpose of a rakhi is that it is a thread which signifies that whoever is being tied a rakhi will protect the other. And shouldn't then boys also tie rakhis?



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